Articles Posted by the Author

  • Jackboots on Whitehall

    Two parts Team America and one part Battle of Britain, with a healthy dose of Robot Chicken and some Braveheart thrown in for good measure, Jackboots on Whitehall sounds like a thoroughly unsavoury mix – think sage gravy and Minstrels. But don’t be fooled! With the addition of some superb voice talent and snazzy FX, first-time directors the McHenry brothers have created an unorthodox but thrilling cinematic taste sensation. Think chicken hearts and fried banana (trust us on that one).

  • Grown Ups

    Okay, so there are these grown ups who act like children, right? And their children, they act like grownups. And the grownups want the children to act like children like they did when they were children, and they realise that showing their children how to act like children will help them stop acting like children and start acting like grownups and oh god stop my brain hurts.

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

    Over the years we’ve seen plenty of comics turned into films, which normally entails lifting the characters and plot and leaving everything comic-specific behind. Fair enough. But what about a comic that’s turned into a bigger, brighter, flashier comic with, like, Michael Cera and moving bits? Edgar Wright’s extraordinary film is more fun than waking up and discovering you’re Mario.

  • Piranha 3D

    We know, we know. You’ve got no realistic intention of seeing Piranha 3D, because it looks like it’ll be an hour and a half of breasts, gore and unconvincing CGI. But somehow, that doesn’t stop it being brilliant.