Articles Posted by the Author

  • Cheat Sheet: Gary Ross

    He’s only just gone and directed universally foamed-about The Hunger Games, hasn’t he? But did you know he also wrote Big? And Pleasantville? And LASSIE (sort of)? And that he only got his break because he won a pot-load of cash on a game-show? JEEPERS you’ve got a lot to learn about man of the moment Gary Ross. CHEAT-SHEET, I choose YOU.

  • The Hunger Games

    Gary Ross fleshes out Suzanne Collins’ sparse survival tale into a fully-fledged dystopian action flick, adding social and political complexities only glimpsed at in the debut novel. Stonking performances from everyone involved, genuinely harrowing scenes of sacrifice and A TOTAL LACK OF WEEPING VAMPIRES make this one teen franchise actual worthy of the label Young Adult. Thanks Bella, but you can go now.