Articles Posted in the " Film Blog " Category

  • Releases Coming Soon

    You know what we enjoy doing? Going to the future. We also enjoy going back to the future, but we’ve had copyright problems with that before. The point is, we’ve risked life and limb to discover what films are hitting our screens in upcoming weeks. Don’t ask us how we’ve done it. All we’ll say is that the Wikipedia Towers of the future are a terrifying and overly bear-guarded place. So, should you save our pennies for an upcoming epic, or splurge like there’s no tomorrow on the flicks out now? We’ve got the answers right here.

  • 5 Reasons Why James Bond Is A Chump

    James Bond, agent of Her Majesty’s Secret Service, is a hero and inspirational figure, right? WRONG! If he was real, James Bond would be the worst human being who ever lived; Adolf Hitler had more moral fibre than this womanising drunk. With James Bond Ian Fleming created a monster, not a role model, and here’s why.

  • Birdemic: The Greatest Movie You Never Saw

    First thing’s first. Birdemic is a brilliant word. It’s a veritable chainsaw of a word, worthy to helm any film – and possibly even religious text – no questions asked. Sure, perhaps only a handful of people could see that, but hell, when you’re murdering people left right and centre with a brilliant collection of letters, who’s going to be stood counting?

  • Adam Sandler in… your life! Which Sandler character are you?

    Now we here at bestforfilm are all a bit partial to a bit of Adam Sandler (some more begrudgingly than others). Yes, he finds himself perpetually playing the same zero-to-hero role, but if it the down-on-his-luck-loser-inevitably-finds-success-and-the-girl formula ain’t broke then why fix it? (And truth be told, the less said about Señor Sandler trying to break out of his mould, cough Punch Drunk Love, the better.)

  • Previews: What’s Out Now

    It’s always nice to stay ahead of the curve, if only so you can feel unnecessarily smug in front of friends and loved ones. With this in mind Best For Film brings you what you need to know about next week’s film releases. Have a read, plan your week accordingly, and practice that lovely self-satisfied smile we all love you for…

  • Fresh Perspective: movie bad guys speak out

    With the massive success of Wicked – the musical that tells The Wizard Of Oz from the Wicked Witch’s point of view, and the announcement that Disney plan to release a film about Malificent – the witch from Sleeping Beauty, it seems everyone wants to take a fresh look at an old tale. Screw the good guys, it’s all about the other side of the coin.

  • Watch This Space: Movies Coming Soon

    You know what we enjoy doing? Going to the future. We also enjoy going back to the future, but we gotten into copyright problems with that before. The point is, we’ve risked life and limb to discover what films are hitting our screens in upcoming weeks. Don’t ask us how we’ve done it. All we’ll say is that the Wikipedia Towers of the future are a terrifying and overly bear-guarded place. So, should you save our pennies for an upcoming epic, or splurge like there’s no tomorrow on the flicks out now? We’ve got the answers right here.

  • Out Now – The Movies We’re All Talking About

    It’s always nice to stay ahead of the curve, if only so you can feel unneccessarily smug in front of friends and loved ones. With this in mind Best For Film brings you what you need to know about next week’s film releases. Have a read, plan your week accordingly, and practice that lovely self-satisfied smile we all love you for…

  • Previews: What’s Out This Week (26th Feb)

    It’s always nice to stay ahead of the curve, if only so you can feel unneccessarily smug in front of friends and loved ones. With this in mind Best For Film brings you what you need to know about next week’s film releases. Have a read, plan your week accordingly, and practice that lovely self-satisfied smile we all love you for…