Search results for "tom cruise"

  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #51

    Well, there’s only so much staring with unrestrained delight at new socks you can do, isn’t there? Christmas is over, new year’s eve brought with it the unsavoury pox that was New Year’s Eve and frankly, it’s time to stop talking to your loved ones and start staring at a screen in the dark. ORANGE WEDNESDAY, hurrah!

  • Cheat Sheet: Jason Lee

    For some reason, the marvellous Jason Lee is currently appearing in the inevitably-crap Alvin and the Chipmunks threequel. We’re not going to talk about that. In fact, in an attempt to actively avoid talking about it we’re going to talk about all the other super stuff he’s done – that way, if someone brings up Alvin and his hellish brood you can just go LA LA LA SKATEBOARDS!

  • Cheat Sheet: Antonio Banderas

    Antonio Banderas is back on our screens in a big way this year, starring in a Pedro Almodóvar film for the first time in two decades and voicing his Shrek character Puss in Boots in a high-profile spin-off. But how much do you know about his winery? EXACTLY. Thank God for you we’ve just written a Cheat Sheet…

  • Top Ten good film/bad film combos

    You know what’s great about actors? Sometimes they make a really good film. Then again, sometimes they make a really bad film. And sometimes, just sometimes, the same actor does both within a remarkably short space of time. Join us as we count down the ten actors who’ve flipped the classic/flop switch with incredible speed.

  • Top 10 Possible Plotlines of the LEGO Film

    So it looks like they’re making a LEGO film. And by “they” we mean the crazy people in Hollywood who want all the money but their brains don’t work any more because they replaced their brains with sushi and velvet yachts and cynicism so they think money can come from a film about inanimate bricks. WHAT COULD THIS FILM POSSIBLY BE ABOUT?!?! Luckily for you, Hollywood fat cats, BFF have compiled a list of LEGO-inspired films to make the process a bit easier for you. Enjoy!

  • Very Lost In Translation: the 5 US remakes we didn’t need

    With David Fincher’s remake/adaptation of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo about to hit our screens, and the rumour mill about an English adaptation of the Old Boy going into overdrive, we thought it was the perfect time to remind everyone of the horrors of Getting The Remake Wrong. There are many, many re-workings that never should have been attempted, but heck we’re all busy, so in the name of convenience we’ve handily we’ve whittled it down to the top 5 we’ll never forgive…

  • Top 10 Stars That Never Were

    You know how it goes. You’re watching a film, possibly with friends if you have them, and an actor pops up. “Oooh him! What was he in?” Debates begin, IMDb is consulted. You find out that this actor was in quite a few films a couple of years ago, and was almost in Massive Moviestar territory, until seemingly it all went wrong. “What happened?” you wonder. We at Best for Film wonder also. Here’s our Top 10 Movie Stars that it Never Quite Happened For.

  • The Top Ten Tearjerker Moments In Film

    Sometimes, just sometimes, we all need an excuse to squeeze a few tears out. It helps us prove that we’re not dead inside, for starters, and allows us to get all our angst out without anybody judging us. At least, they can’t judge us TOO harshly… here are our top ten tearjerkers, as selected by the BFF team from our film database.

  • Cheat Sheet: Ben Wheatley

    You know that freaky-ass film that everyone’s on about at the moment? Kill List? Some guy filmed it. No, really. He’s filmed lots of other fun stuff too…like a TV series that apparently rivals the realm of The Mighty Boosh in the kookiness factor. Truly, madly, Wheatley.