Search results for "tom cruise"

  • News Round-Up April 30th – May 4th

    It’s been another jam-packed week here in the world of film, but we understand that you’re a busy bee and you can’t be expected to keep up with our entire news output. So here, once again, is our handy Saturday digest of the week’s top stories. It’s like time-travelling, but not nearly as good!

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #52

    Oh my flipping flopping flange, the OWLs are a year old! This is momentous. We’d love to throw our weekly citrus opinion-fest a more fitting party, but unfortunately 2012 has so far been the year of totally crap films. Still, things are bound to pick up – and until they do, you need our help more than ever…

  • The Top 10 Film Plots That Came True

    It’s Christmas time. Sure, it’s the 31st, but TECHNICALLY we’re all still firmly in the 12 Days Of Christmas spirit of things. And you know what happens at Christmas? Miracles. To celebrate all things miraculous, Best For Film will be looking into one of the most awesome of all phenomena; life that imitates film. Here are the Top 10 Film Plots That Came True…