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  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #96

    Even as Christmas spirit swells in our hearts, the hallowed halls of Best For Film are tinged with sadness at the imminent prospect of another mass exodus. Yes, our sturdy intern team is very close to leaving us forever (until they pop in next week), and all the imminent Hobbity adventures in the world won’t make up for it. Do your worst, cinema, we’re already shattered.

  • Khiladi 786

    Actually only the eighth instalment in the phenomenally popular Khiladi series, Khiladi 786 is a colourful farce happy to dress up its batshit story of arranged marriage in a barrage of action sequences and endearingly mugging comedy. The first Khiladi in twelve years, the interim decade has provided director Ashish R Mohan with an array of techniques borrowed from the world of hip-hop videos and action blockbusters. Relocated to the relatively inoffensive and well-meaning world of Bollywood, the slo-mo action comes off as alternately mocking and sincere in a film that above all else does not take itself too seriously.

  • Manborg

    It took Canadian Steve Kostanski three years and only $1000 to create Manborg, an homage to mid-80s VHS sci-fi and horror. By embracing their cheap production values and never aspiring to be more or less than hilarious nostalgia, Manborg is possibly one of the best cinematic experiences you’ll ever have, providing that you are old enough to remember the unique and exquisite sensation of pushing a tape into a VCR. MANBORG!

  • 12 Days of Christmas #1 – BFF’s Top 1 Partridge

    Christmas is coming, and here at Best For Film Towers we think you deserve a little more effort than a supermarket Advent calendar and a holly-wreathed credit card statement. Delving into the darkest recesses of cinema, we’ve amassed a list of our favourite seventy-eight (you’ll see) unexpectedly Christmassy actors, directors, films and more to bring you a unique (and completely incorrectly timed) version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. All together now…