Search results for "spielberg"

  • 3D or not 3D – that is the question

    What an incredible age we live in! Chemical-filled snacks are readily available on delivery at obscene hours of the morning, social networking has become a national sport and now we can even watch movies in three glorious dimensions. But with the great power of 3D comes great responsibility – so has anyone yet managed to rise up and use it to good effect? Or is it just about making an extra couple of quid per person at the cinema? So far it’s pretty much been the latter – but for every shocker there’s been one to come along and blow the rest out of the 3D piranha-infested waters…

  • The 15 Best Film Props

    Though they may be loathed by sixth formers attempting their always-boring ‘minimalist’ plays, props are undoubtedly the bread and butter of popular film. A chance for character development, plot development, or simple comedic value, props can provide allegory and nuance in a way that Hayden Christensen, say, cannot. Here we give a rundown on film’s most memorable props, from the Star Wars light sabre to Herbie the VW Beetle.

  • Future of 3D films

    What is the future of 3D films? Avatar made the water 3D, then blew everything out of it. Tron: Legacy, whilst being undeniably rubbish, made $44 million in its opening weekend in the US alone, and the list of franchises to have secured box office success continues to grow. So is the future of 3D films secure, or is this a pretty 3D flash in an otherwise 2D pan?

  • 13 Upcoming animated movies in 2011

    2011 is the year of the toon, bringing us animated movies galore from Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks and their like whether we want it or not. Here’s our rundown of animations due to hit the box office in 2011. Think we missed one? Let us know. Our word for today is ‘completist’.

  • I Spit On Your Grave

    This update on the original ‘video nasty’ ups the ante not only on its predecessor, but on the entire torture porn genre. Low on chills and high on squirm-inducing “thrills”, it trades on the original’s notoriety while outstripping it on production values, acting and gore. If you go down to the woods today you may not be in for a big surprise… but take some nausea tablets just in case.

  • Video Games made into Movies

    We can all think of a video game that somehow, beyond all sense and rationality, made it from the little screen to the big, and we usually wince when we recall them. The list of films based on video games is arguably one of the most excruciating compilations of film fails. So why do people keep on trying? And why do they always suck?