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  • Top 10 Potential Actors for Justice League Batman

    With the Justice League set to battle against The Avengers 2 in 2015, there has been much speculation about what form the new Batman will take. As we all know by now, Joseph Gordon Levitt is the most likely candidate, considering the end of The Dark Knight Rises, but that’s soooo obvious. Disregarding the hearsay on our boyo Joseph Gordon Levitt, we at BFF Towers have opted for outright guesswork, based on a solid foundation of lunacy. Here are our choices for the new Batman!

  • End of Watch

    Like a resounding fist-bump cementing a job well done, police drama End of Watch is a testosterone-fuelled ride-along through L.A.’s crime-ridden south central district. Proving that sometimes a film doesn’t need to be more than the sum of its parts, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña showcase an infectious chemistry that papers over some noticeable cracks, and confirm there’s life in the Academy yet.

  • Cheat Sheet: Christopher Walken

    It’s Walken Week here at Best For Film and, to celebrate his upcoming role in Seven Psychopaths, we’re saturating the internet with Christopher Walken news, reviews and booze (look forward to the Friday Drinking Game!) Undeniably brilliant, consistently mesmerising and with an inexplicable intonation, join us as we walk with Walken.

  • Our Family Wedding

    Weddings! Weddings weddings weddings. Everybody loves weddings and all films are about weddings these days aren’t they? It really feels like that’s the case. Take wedding themed film Our Family Wedding, for instance. Weddings everywhere! Only, why is there a goat running around eating Viagra and trying to rape people? And why are all the Mexican people so deeply, deeply racist? And why is Forest Whitaker in this film? So many questions! And by questions we mean weddings.