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  • Cheat Sheet: Noah Baumbach

    Last we heard from the prickly pen of Noah Baumbach, he had joined forces with Ben Stiller to bring us Greenberg. The chronicle of a man who resolved to do nothing, insult everyone, and miraculously seduce Greta Gerwig, as lovable grumps go it certainly pushed the envelope. What has the Baumer been up to of late? Why, reuniting with Stiller on Madagascar 3, released this week. Here’s the skinny on the alternative’s alternative to Wes Anderson.

  • Paranormal Activity 4

    Dull and lifeless, Paranormal Activity 4 fails even at the cheap jump-scare. Some decent performances aside, there is very little to sustain either the horror-buff or the average movie goer in this absurdly boring flick. Please don’t waste your money on this. Go buy a hat or something instead.

  • TGIM! The London International Animation Festival

    Spread out over 11 days in multiple venues, with 300 animations from over 30 countries, the LIAF prove that cartoons aren’t just for kids. Featuring documentaries, workshops and stop-motion mindfucks from the jovial to the disturbed, this year’s festival has something for just about everyone.