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  • Cheat Sheet: Steve Buscemi

    Steve Buscemi hasn’t had a major role in a big Hollywood film for a while, having been busy running the illegal liquor trade in 1920s Atlantic City on television’s Boardwalk Empire. He is, however, providing his distinctive vocals to this week’s release, Hotel Transylvania, voicing Wayne the werewolf. In light of this, what better time to remind everyone how great the world’s favourite Reservoir Dog is?

  • Sparkle

    The worst part of watching Sparkle was coming to the realisation that as a nation, we appear to have learned nothing from Glitter. It’s time to face the fact that singer-turned-actors appearing in films headed by one-word titles of adjectives usually used to describe jewellery are not a good idea. Not since Mariah Carey’s unfortunate first foray into feature-film have we seen the age-old rags-to-riches trope done such a disservice. To refer to this film as a poor man’s Dreamgirls is to pay it a compliment it doesn’t deserve.

  • Holy Motors

    Holy Motors is an intensely weird, but visually stunning deconstruction of the art of acting, and of cinema in general. At least, we think that’s what it’s about. There are likely to be dozens of interpretations. Holy Motors is a unique and vivid experience; sure to be too weird, and too pretentious for some, nevertheless, Denis Levant’s astonishing lead performance is worth the experiment alone.

  • TGIM! BFI London Film Festival

    The annual BFI London film festival has arrived to cheer away the doom and gloom of the coming months. Giving Londoners the opportunity to get a look at films they might not ordinarily get the chance to appreciate, the festival has an array of unique and exciting features on offer. We know we say this every week, but this is one experience you really will not want to miss.