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  • Friday Drinking Game #57 – Adam Sandler

    It’s Friday. The Olympics are over, summer is on the way out, and you’re dreading winter and its impending dark mornings, dark evenings and long, long working days sandwiched between them. What better way to make yourself feel better than by getting drunk and looking at someone who definitely, definitely has it worse than you.

    Ladies and gentlemen; the Adam Sandler drinking game.

  • The Sweeney

    Ray Winstone and Ben Drew team up to bring us Nick Love’s take on policing the criminal ridden streets of London. Based on the 70s cop series of the same name, The Sweeney attempts to deliver a hard hitting punch to the face but ends up turning in a limp wristed slap. Once more, with feeling Winstone.

  • After the Wizard

    “When one story ends, another begins” is the strapline for After the Wizard. Catchy, and often true, but that doesn’t make the story it accompanies any good. Here’s another quote for you: “Property of Breaking Glass Pictures”.You can keep it, mate.

  • My Way

    Inspired by true events and set during the 1920’s, My Way sees Korean country boy Kim Jun-shik struggle to reconcile his aspirations of becoming an Olympic runner with the various forces that conspire to stop him realizing his dreams. If you’re expecting a sleepy art house flick with lots of panning shots and loaded silences you’re in for a disappointment. My Way is a relentlessly high octane affair and serves as a compelling comment on Japan’s fraught and complicated history.