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  • Lawless

    This gun-toting prohibition shoot-em-up has come under fire for lacking in substance. Substance?! What do you want here, it’s a gangster epic! It doesn’t need to have substance, it’s got guns! Guns! Knuckle-Dusters! Blood! Testicles in a jam jar! Sexy women! Waistcoats! Guns! Sure, it doesn’t break any boundaries, but it breaks plenty of bones. It’s got guns! Pass me tha’ there moonshine y’all.

  • Orange (Wednesday)s and Lemons #79

    Another week, another batch of half-baked opinions from the cheery Best For Film team. How are you going to fill your last Orange Wednesday before B-Day finally hits on Friday? We’ve got literally ones of opinions for you to thieve and pass off as your own, and they’re citrus-themed!