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  • Murder By Decree

    The unsolved mystery regarding the identity of Jack the Ripper has plagued mankind for decades. You know who might have stood a shot at solving it? Sherlock Holmes. Cue ‘Murder By Decree’, which tosses the famous detective into the fray and gives us an elementary solution to the unsolvable murders…

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #63

    Too hot. Too hot now. It’s been two days since winter, and already we miss winter. Why? Because we’re English, DAMMIT, and it’s our lot in life to complain about nice things. Let’s go to the cinema. It’s dark and cold there, dark and cold like our nationalistic hearts. YAY FILMS! HALF PRICE FILMS!

  • Top 10 Worst Film Trailers

    It’s a sad fact in life that, sometimes, bad trailers happen to good films. Look at 21 Jump Street for instance; a clever satire of the buddy-cop drama made to look just like… well, just like an actual buddy-cop drama. We’ve decided to hold these trailer crimes accountable and have selected the top 10 worst offenders to be sent before the Best For Film judge…