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  • Cleanskin

    Sean Bean is a particularly moody bastard in this Terrorists vs Special Forces thriller. It’s gritty, downbeat and violent, and engaging enough that you might overlook the patchy plot.

  • Cheat Sheet: Denzel Washington

    He’s got another mediocre action film out – in this one he plays the grizzled vet to Ryan Reynolds’ wet-behind-the-ears n00b, so THAT’s new and exciting! – and more in the pipeline – has Denzel Washington forgotten the power and flair which won him two Oscars? No, actually, he hasn’t. Hang on, what do you mean you didn’t know about the two Oscars? Nurse – give this patient a Cheat Sheet, stat.

  • 5 actors we’ll never forgive for growing up

    So Jake Lloyd – aka, the wrong Anakin Skywalker – has recently been in the news citing The Phantom Menace as the reason his life turned out all wrong. Join the club, Jake. We’re all suffering here. Anyway, the ironic thing is that Jake Lloyd’s life being hilariously crap is possibly the one thing in the world we can’t actually blame on George Lucas. Why? Read on…

  • Your Sister’s Sister

    The perfect selection to get the 2012 Glasgow Film Festival off to a strong start, Lynn Shelton’s Your Sister’s Sister is a warm hearted treat. The story of three unhappy individuals attempting to rediscover themselves in a remote island bungalow, the film takes the potential makings of melodrama and uses them to craft something unexpectedly enjoyable. Fuelled by consistently excellent dialogue and anchored by a thoroughly likeable leading trio, it should leave even the cynical feeling warm and fuzzy inside.