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  • Orange(Wednesday)s And Lemons #57

    Muppets Muppets Muppets Muppets Muppets! And what we actually mean by that is, there are plenty of choices for your Orange voucher this week. But mainly if you don’t go and see The Muppets, you’re probably dying of some terrible disease. LET’S TALK:

  • Cheat Sheet: James Bobin

    What do The Muppets, Ali G and Flight Of The Conchords all have in common? Apart from the occasional bit of humourous racism, we mean? Why the STICKY TOUCH of James Bobin, of course! Co-creator of Sacha Baron Cohen’s most famous character, creative brain behind the Conchords’ TV success and director of The Muppets – how on earth has this bloke stayed under our radar for so long? Probably the racist stuff, to be honest. CHEAT SHEET!