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  • The Descendants

    What do you get when you blend drama, comedy, George Clooney and the most beautiful place onto the planet into two hours of cinema so moving and funny that you’re liable to choke on the tears you’re still crying even as you laugh? A very slightly overdone but still inevitably Oscar-winning comedy drama, of course! The Descendants is lovely.

  • Top 10 animated movies to see in 2012

    As we enter Oscar season it is easy to forget that, while cinema of course has a responsibility to impress and inform, it is ultimately at its best when making you laugh out loud at an anthropomorphised something-or-other in a screen shared by adults and children alike. When it’s a bit more animated, if you will. As such, here is a list of the ten most exciting animated movies heading to a cinema near you this year.

  • TGIM! London Comedy Film Festival at the BFI

    Monday is no laughing matter. You know what is? Comedy. So though we can’t promise you’ll never have to sit through another Monday (a more ominous promise was never offered), we can at least swear that with this healthy grin-fest, there’s nothing Monday can do to thwart your good mood. TGIM!

  • Tiny Furniture

    Get ahead of the curve and jump on the Lena Dunham bandwagon before HBO spoils it for all the cool kids. It contains hints on how to be a YouTube sensation! And a frozen hamster. The two aren’t connected, sadly, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying this refreshingly self-aware mumblecore flick.

  • Friday Drinking Game #35 – Shakespearean Films

    Did you know Billy Shakespeare wrote thirty seven plays? That’s more plays than number of tears we’ve wept about how few plays we’ve written. And approximately four of them are still knocking about today. One of those plays isn’t Coriolanus, but that didn’t stop Ralph Fiennes making an adaptation of it. What a mess. Do you need a drink yet? Us too.