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  • The Change-Up

    Magic fountains activated by urine, CGI babies, toilet humour, soft porn and plenty of raucous jokes guarantee that The Change-Up will alienate most of its audience and appeal solely to the most depraved individuals amongst us.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #37

    And then there were four… the last remnants of the once proud Best For Film army have dragged together the last remnants of their strength and critical prowess in order to bring you the only opinions you need to read this – or any – Wednesday. So what are you waiting for?

  • The Top 20 Films We Want Back On The Big Screen

    Did you know that The Lion King 3D will be hitting cinemas nationwide on the 7th October. And did you know that Jurassic Park is returning to the silver screen this Friday? Did you get that? JURASSIC PARK is returning to the silver screen on FRIDAY! We here at BFF couldn’t be any more excited and, to celebrate the rekindling of our love affair with dinosaurs (dinosaurs, in this case, meaning OLD movies) we’ve compiled a list of the Top 20 films we want to see back on the big screen…

  • 30 Minutes or Less

    With Jesse Eisenberg fresh from The Social Network fame and Danny McBride enjoying the dimming flash in the pan of his career, 30 Minutes or Less is an enjoyable buddy comedy-come-crime caper that is worth a look. You might not remember it 30 minutes later, but you’ll still have a good time.