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  • Blood Runs Cold

    Well, not scientifically speaking, unless you’re a lizard. But it will once this snow-lovin’ yeti gets his axe into you. Yep, they can use tools now. Power of evolution.

  • The Top Ten Tearjerker Moments In Film

    Sometimes, just sometimes, we all need an excuse to squeeze a few tears out. It helps us prove that we’re not dead inside, for starters, and allows us to get all our angst out without anybody judging us. At least, they can’t judge us TOO harshly… here are our top ten tearjerkers, as selected by the BFF team from our film database.

  • Monday Mashup: GIRL SPECIAL

    Seeing as we’ve gone all overly ovary this week at BFF, it was only a matter of time before our womanly conversation turned (and stayed firmly on) the favourite topic of any womb-sack: HORSES. This week we’ve mashed together six of the cinema’s finest hoofy pals – can you make horse-head or tail of them?

  • Crazy Stupid Love

    Rom-coms don’t get a great rep these days do they? Understandably, we like it when a good one comes along. Be prepared for your fondness for Emma Stone to turn into full-fledged obsession. Girls want to be her, boys want to take her home, have a chat, and then ask her tentatively to be their girlfriend.