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  • The Top 10 WTF Moments Of George Lucas’ Career

    Ever since Star Wars fans staged a boycott against George Lucas’ latest milk-the-hell-outta-previous-success scheme (namely, his heavily adapted Blu Ray editions), we’ve been at breaking point with the bearded man. So, like your very own Ghost Of Film-Mistakes Past, I’ll be taking him backwards through time in the hopes that looking at his mistakes anew will make him a better person. Here are the Top 10 WTF Moments of George Lucas’ Career

  • Apollo 18

    Apollo 18, the sequel to 1995 sci-fi Apollo 13, reveals why the US never returned to the moon after a disastrous secret space mission. Despite a sluggish start, some deeply unsettling extra-terrestrials eventually make it an effective space-misadventure.

  • Love and Other Impossible Pursuits

    Natalie Portman’s shiny new Academy Award is going to reflect an awful lot of spotlights on her over the next few years. This should be fine, of course, but it’s not ideal when the project currently in the post-Oscar glare is a distinctly average drama which she made before Black Swan and which has only just crept onto DVD. The only impossibility in Love and Other Impossible Pursuits is enjoying it.