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  • Cheat Sheet: Ben Wheatley

    You know that freaky-ass film that everyone’s on about at the moment? Kill List? Some guy filmed it. No, really. He’s filmed lots of other fun stuff too…like a TV series that apparently rivals the realm of The Mighty Boosh in the kookiness factor. Truly, madly, Wheatley.

  • UK Film Events Guide

    Fancy yourself as a lover of all things cinema? Hungry for the most amazing films events around the country? Look no further; we’ve compiled a list of some of the most magical UK movie events in a big fat buffet of cinematic goodness for you to sink your teeth into…

  • BFF’s Kill List

    It’s not that we’re bad people, it’s just that sometimes we wish some people would just… well, be dead, really. Sometimes we even want to do it ourselves. In honour of this week’s hottest horror Kill List, we at BFF compiled our own hit list of performers who have it coming.