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  • Monday Mash-Up – Super 8 Edition #2!

    Super 8 draws ever nearer, and to celebrate the murky mysteries that lurk within it we’re composing some monsters of our own. Can you guess the three cinematic components to this week’s Mash-Up? Can you also figure out what’s going on with the perspective (hint: don’t try.) We’re giving away a MYSTERY (all about the mystery) cult horror box set to one lucky know-it-all, so GET TO WORK. Mysteriously, if you can.

  • Sanctum

    Centring on an underwater cave exploration gone wrong, Sanctum mixes real-life events of writer Andrew Wight with the words “EXECUTIVE PRODUCED BY JAMES CAMERON”. It’s not quite The Descent, it’s not quite The Abyss, it’s not quite worth the money you’d pay for it.

  • Life in a Day

    Ridley Scott presents Life in a Day, an extraordinary and ambitious insight into a day in the life of the human race. Compiling and consolidating over 4,500 hours of amateur footage, from 80,000 submissions and 140 nations, director Kevin MacDonald has created a coherent, compelling and delightfully accomplished snapshot in time.

  • Prom

    Thought you would never have to go to Prom again? Think again. A few good gags aside, Prom stole every high school movie clichĂ© and mashed it into a dull Disney disaster. It’s a case of been there, done that and bought the infinitely superior cravat.

  • Super Accessories: the shopper’s guide

    As the impending atrocity that is Green Lantern looms ever closer (we’re resigned to it, we just are), we’ve decided it’s time we take a look behind the super powers.We’ve realised that it’s not the tight fitting cat suits, underwear on the outside or “inherent desire to do good” that makes a real superhero, it’s all about the blingin’ accessories! As it happens, we managed to come across a catalogue straight from the superheroes supplier detailing the ten most popular superhero accessories.

  • Friday Face/Off: Angelina Jolie

    Trout face or divine beauty? Angelina Jolie divides the office. So come on then if you think you’re hard enough, let’s face/off and settle it once and for all. Read on to see the fall-out, insults, dirt-slinging madness that this debate created. Best For Film will never be the same again…