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  • Friday Drinking Game #14 – X-Men

    To celebrate the triumphant release of X-Men: First Class, we’ve decided to get extravagantly trolleyed and pretend we can manipulate magnetic fields. What? Don’t tell us you’ve never tied a fork to your wrist with thread and then pretended to fling it across the room using your mind! Or is that genuinely just us? Whoops…

  • 10 best things about Movie Weddings

    With Bridesmaids soon upon us and the furore over the long-awaited wedding scenes in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 about to reach fever pitch, we can’t avoid the thorny subject of movie marriage. So instead of beating brides and grooms (with a large stick), let’s join them and celebrate the 10 best things about movie weddings. All together now ahhhhh (puke).

  • Little Charley Bear

    Popular CBeebies character Little Charley Bear has imagined his way into your living room with his first DVD. James Corden narrates Charley’s adventures as he engages in various improbable pursuits – still, what else can he do? He can’t talk, which writes off pretty much every career path except ‘cross-disciplinary fantasy maverick’.

  • All Roads Lead Home

    DISCLAIMER: This film is A Film About Animals on Farms. If you’re a young girl, and you still think being a vet involves magically making animals better all the time, you’ll love it (and I hope your parents are strictly monitoring your internet use). Everyone else: avoid All Roads Lead Home. Avoid it like it’s a sow coughing loudly circa 2009.