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  • WIN: PREY on DVD x 3!

    Venture deep into the woods and prepare to be terrorised as horror film PREY comes to DVD on 6 June 2011 from Entertainment One. We have 3 x PREY DVDs to give away! Competition ends 09 July 2011.

  • Cheat Sheet: Bradley Cooper

    This week our faithful cheat sheet looks at the ever rising star that is Bradley Cooper. Between his love of cooking, helping inner-city children, being fluent in French, his adorable pet dogs and his general talent at ACTING we cannot say a bad word about him. Disgusting, isn’t it?

  • The Referees

    Despite being the one person on a football pitch we love to hate, Yves Hinant’s documentary goes some way to having the audience empathise with referees. Death threats, controversy, swearing, who’d thought referees could be this interesting, eh?

  • What is Super 8 about?

    Ah J J Abrams how we love you, with your geek-chic glasses, brilliant mind and ability to confuse the hell out of us with your clever sci-fi films. Here is the Best for Film guide to the soon to be released Super 8. Prepare to be more confounded than ever before. What is Super 8 about?

  • Top 10 video games that should become movies

    Why aren’t films of video games ever good? Because the boys in the back room are adapting the wrong goshdarned games, that’s why! We’ve consumed eighty-six thousand Doritos and worn out nine pairs of tracksuit bottoms doing the research for this list: the definitive top 10 games that must be brought to the silver screen.