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  • The First Grader

    One for the art house scene, (pending an over-blown Hollywood remake starring oh, I dunno- Morgan Freeman and Thandie Newton) the absorbing The First Grader is making waves amongst the limited release crowd and gaining teary-eyed buzz on this year’s festival circuit.

  • Cheat Sheet: Luc Besson

    Pretty much au fait with your ‘Cinema Du Look’ directors? Yeah, we thought not. This is what happens if you spend your days in your worst pants, watching re-runs of Dragon Ball Z (rock the dragon) and drinking Tango. Thank God you have us and Cheat Sheet Tuesday, eh?

  • Top 5 musicals that deserve big screen outings

    After the recent announcement that Tom Hooper, current king of the world after The King’s Speech Oscar success, has been linked to a big screen adaptation of long-running musical The Glums (sorry, Les Miserables), we thought we should cast a light on some other musicals waiting for a safe pair of cinematic hands to lead them gently into cinema screens near you

  • Dinoshark

    If you’ve seen one monster shark movie, you’ve seen them all. Unless you’ve seen them all except Dinoshark. In which case, you haven’t seen Dinoshark.

  • Thor

    Running across one hundred and thirty minutes of hammer-smashing 3D insanity, Thor is absolutely everything you want from a superhero film; big, beautiful and heroically over the top. And if the plot gets lost along the way, who really cares? On to Valhalla!