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  • Caged

    A trio of doctors take a detour… only to find themselves kidnapped and caged by masked men for unknown purposes. A paucity of gore is balanced by an unnervingly effective excess of tension in this high quality French torture porn horror…

  • Limitless

    Million-dollar deals, murder, and mind-altering substances: this is all decidedly heady stuff, but most impressive is that Limitless has provided Bradley Cooper a role in which he finally gets to access his full intellect – just don’t hold your breath for any profound revelations.

  • The Chaser

    The Chaser is a dark yet charming Korean cop thriller with a detective-turned-pimp antihero who has discovered all his girls are going missing. The western remake is hitting the big screen in 2013, so for god’s sake see the original first!

  • The Lincoln Lawyer

    In any trial, anywhere, someone’s gotta represent the bad guy, right? Matthew McConaughey is brilliantly tortured in The Lincoln Lawyer; a tense and twisty courtroom thriller that showcases the wrinkly best of some veteran acting talent. Essentially a clever little tale let down by some silly plot-points and a baggy ending, The Lincoln Lawyer still does just about enough to keep you guessing until its final (slightly ridiculous) moments.

  • Top ten films which should be remade by Arnold Schwarzenegger

    We’ve all heard the good news – the Governator has hung up his democratic sash and is preparing to step back into his loincloth/leather jacket/commando boots of unremitting ass-kickery for some new and crunchy films. Among the fifteen projects Arnie is reportedly considering are remakes of Predator and True Lies, as well as yet another Terminator sequel; but we think he should be diversifying…