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  • Top 10 overrated films of the decade

    It’s been a decent decade for films, all told. Not as great as the 80’s for sure, but then it has been scientifically proven that that’s impossible. But amidst all the rightfully praised top gear floating about there are quite a few duds that have inexplicably found themselves invited to the same swanky parties. But enough of these painful mixed metaphors – let’s discuss the ten biggest phonies of the decade, shall we?

  • Barney’s Version

    Reader! Would you like to be able to write convincing clichés about films which are genuinely able to inspire laughter and tears in successive heartbeats? If you would, please keep your sordid phrases well away from Barney’s Version, a work of art which will stay with you long after the lights go up. An uncommonly captivating tale with memorable performances all round, it is superb.

  • Paris/Sexy

    Bleak and haunting, desolate and devoid… It’s grim up north in Scottish filmmaker Ruth Paxton’s award-winning take on rural isolation and nerve-wearing home care. Great performances and a disquieting underbelly elevate this short above the format’s usual one-note fare, and mark Paxton and Malone out as ones to watch.