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  • Write For Us

    Would you like to write for us? We’ve been waiting for you. Check out the Best For Film submission guidelines and if you have the right buffalo stance we will be delighted to get you published, with a byline and profile and more…

  • Short actors wanted for Hobbit film

    In many occupations there are unwritten requirements. I mean, you can’t work in a bakery if you don’t like baked goods, but I’m sure the job advertisement doesn’t state “must love bread”. However, were you making a film where the main characters are hobbits (short and slightly podgy creatures with hair from ankle to foot), and you want to half the scaling down effort, then why not advertise for what you require? Heightest? Hey, this is Hollywood.

  • The Hole

    A welcome return from director Joe Dante, The Hole is another fine contribution to the ‘family horror’ genre that helped make his name. Providing both laughs and scares, it credits its child viewers with an ability that too many kids films lack; the intelligence to be treated like adults. Bringing the darkness, but keeping things light, it will entertain both youngsters and grown-ups alike. And it all comes with the added benefit of 3D. So, go on – have a little fun and face your biggest fears.

  • Just Wright

    Why is it that good guys finish last, good girls get the guy in the end and good dogs can save boys in trouble (stop looking so smug, Lassie)? Who knows, but it just keeps happening. Without wishing to give the game away, you can pretty much expect the expected in romantic comedy, Just Wright. But it’s not all bad! The good news is that this film, despite its formulaity, plays with your pleasure zones and leaves you warm and satisfied. Like tomato soup when it’s raining.

  • Tooth Fairy

    What happens if you’re a minor league hockey player who’s had his dreams dashed one too many times? Julie Andrews will turn you into a tooth fairy, that’s what. For two weeks, Dwayne “Tooth Fairy” (sorry, “The Rock”) Johnson has to turn good guy and teach positivity sprinkled with fairy dust to a troubled family. This lightweight comedy is strictly for the kids, but you know what? Don’t be a hater, yo. The kids are alright.