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  • The Avengers is given a start date

    It’s been a week since we gave you the teaser trailer for Joss Whedon’s The Avengers and we have been Jonesing for another Avengers news fix. Thankfully, Marvel has obliged and we can reveal that The Avengers has been given a start of shooting date and a release date.

  • Step Up 3D

    Step Up 3D has lots of very talented dancers in it, which is all well and good. Unfortunately, not a single one of them could act their way out of a damp paper bag. Which is not so good. This film will definitely be a waste of your time, unless you’re 14 years old and think that a plot is somewhere to grow vegetables.

  • Knight and Day

    One expects this film’s curious title to be a weak pun on the surnames of the lead characters. One would be wrong. The name, ‘Knight,’ is tenuously linked to Cruise’s character but other than that there is no explanation for it. This lazy and incomprehensible title becomes rather apt for a film which does not require you to leave your brains at the door but rather put them in a lead lined box from which there is no escape.

  • Film 4 FrightFest: The Final

    I love horror films! Well, more accurately, I love the viewing experience of horror films. Not so much the fearsome aftermath of shaking in my pyjamas at 3oclock in the morning not daring to leave my bed to go to the toilet. Despite this, you can imagine my delight when it was announced that Film 4’s annual FrightFest had landed in London. Held at the esteemed Empire Cinema in Leicester Square, the festival is committed to supporting independent horror films and bringing lovers of the genre together for a packed programme of palpitating peril!

  • Patel still in the slums

    When Dev Patel starred in the multi Oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire, his acting career seemed set to sky rocket. But the 20 year old from Harrow has spoken out against prejudiced Hollywood casting directors, who have limited his offers to the role of terrorist, cab driver, or brainy geek.

  • Top 5 kids’ films for this summer

    Yes, it’s that time of year again. The kids have broken up from school and the country is trembling with that thunderous and eternal summer cry – ‘I’m borrred’! Gone are the days of macaroni jewelry boxes and pooh sticks. Today’s little darlings demand high-tech, high-action adventure, which kicking a ball about with Charlie from next door simply won’t satisfy. These precious six weeks are their only chance to escape from an otherwise extremely stressful lifestyle. So, how to deal with our children during these long, sticky summer days. Lock them in a cage? Remove all sugary food items? Earplugs? The solution is much simpler my friend…