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  • First Look at Jackass 3D

    The first photo from the much anticipated Jackass 3D has been released!

    The film follows the first two hugely successful releases, Jackass: The Movie and Jackass Number 2. With a combined production budget of less than $10 million for both films, the $70 million they each grossed meant that it was only a matter of time before they started shooting a third film.

  • Lindsay Lohan could be free in 11 days

    Isn’t justice marvelous? It’s good to know that we live in a world that how sinful you are directly correlates to how famous you’ve become. I mean, yeah sure Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old, but he made all those films! He can’t go to jail! And yes, Lindsay Lohan has been convicted in a court of law, but come on, she was in Mean Girls! She doesn’t belong in the clink!