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  • Julie and Julia

    Based on two memoirs set more than 50 years apart it’s a story about self-discovery, relationships, the art of French cuisine and how to boil the perfect egg. We cut between the 1950’s and 2002 where Meryl Strepe and Amy Adams show us the way around a kitchen and how food can make or break a relationship.

  • Inglourious Basterds

    After the gross exercise in smug self-indulgence that was Kill Bill and the sadly inconsequential tackiness of Death Proof, Quentin Tarantino looks to be back on form in the utterly demented joy that is Inglourious Basterds.

  • Is Jen Ready To Take Brad Back?

    Jennifer Aniston has fueled rumours about her reunion with ex-husband Brad Pitt after telling GMTV that exes “absolutely” can get back together. She added “Sometimes you meet each other at a time in your lives when you’re not necessarily ready. Or you’re not fully formed and have the maturity it takes to be in a relationship.”

  • Zombieland

    Zombieland comes lurching out of the same genre as that of 2004’s Shaun of the Dead, a film which set the bar for the zomcom, and it set it pretty high. Luckily, Zombieland has still got enough going for it to compare favorably with the yardstick.

  • Motherhood

    Kids, eh? Snorting, slurping, farting, chewing little bundles of joy that they are. Motherhood explores a day in the life of a typical Noo York mom, as she attempts to juggle her responsibilities as well as write a piece that explains ‘what motherhood means to her’. Sound a little schmaltzy? Yeah. It is. Uma Thurman natural charm almost saves this piece, but at the end of the day it’s a little to wrapped up itself to be memorable.

  • Hugo Weaving to Play The Red Skull

    Hugo Weaving, who exploded onto our screens as Agent Smith in The Matrix, is set to play The Red Skull in the upcoming superhero epic. For those who don’t know the comic or the planned adaptation, The Red Skull is the Captain’s archenemy, the saboteur and spy who worked as Hitler’s right-hand man. It sounds like the two will be battling during World War Two, ending up in modern times due to their Super Solider status. For those who didn’t understand that, well done. You are not as geeky as us.

  • The Fourth Kind

    The Fourth Kind has been endlessly marketed as the next big thing in the docu-drama niche, touting its real-to-life credentials with all the po-faced gravitas of a clinically depressed geography teacher. A cursory glance, let alone a detailed investigation, is all you need to discover that somebody, somewhere, is covering up the truth regarding their background material…

  • New Twilight Eclipse Trailer

    Screaming hordes of hormones, look no further! The new trailer for the third twilight film has just been released, and it’s all looking just as dark and penetrating as the first two. Whew. So this time around, Bella has to make a heart-breaking choice, will she choose to live an undead life with Edward or a furry future with Jacob?