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  • Robert Duvall To Play Gilliam’s Quixote?

    It’s a dream so crazy that even the infamous Man of La Mancha would be impressed. Cinema’s favourite dreamer Terry Gilliam is forging ahead with his abandoned project The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, which was abandoned in 2000 after a series of truly unfortunate events.

  • Twilight: Part 5?

    Hold on, you Pattinson-thirsty blood feasters. This isn’t about extending the Twilight saga itself, we’re afraid. Instead, it’s more about extending the money roll-in of this cinematic phenomenon.

  • Merry Madagascar

    Originally broadcast as a TV special on NBC in the states, Merry Madagascar is about as shameless as it gets in the long line of trying to cash in on Christmas. It seems clear that some exec, sitting in an artfully underfurnished office somewhere in Los Angeles, simply looked at a balance sheet and saw that Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa had done quite well.

  • Terminator: Salvation

    It’s 2018: Battle-weary members of the human resistance are rising up against killer machines, desperate to claw back the arid, devestated nuclear wasteland that used to be (fanfare!) the U.S. of goddamn A. Why on earth they’re actually that bothered about fighting for some half-yard of radioactive cinder is anyone’s guess. Everyone’ll be living on Jupiter in 2018.

  • The Circus- Live

    Say what you like about Take That, but there’s no denying that they’ve made one of the most impressive comebacks in music history. It seems like only yesterday Gary Barlow..

  • Who’s Directing My Fair Lady?

    We all heard the news a few months ago, a film remake (yawn) of My Fair Lady, directed by Joe Wright- the man who brought us Keira Knightley being all big-chinny in Pride and Prejudice and Keira Knightley playing ‘my chin is quite sad’ in Atonement. But wait! Today it’s been announced that this whole Joe Wright palava is one big porky.