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  • Chico Time: The Movie?

    If the Queen, Muhammed Ali and Jane Austen- to name but a few- are deemed worthy of film immortality, it could be the crime of the decade that it’s taken this long for the Chico movie to materialize. You remember Chico right? Come on! “It’s Chico time!” and, well, no that was kind of it.

  • Waiting for Bilbo

    You may have picked up on a recent bit of harrumphing from certain quarters concerning Guilliermo del Toro’s Hobbit film: namely, production has been delayed, it hasn’t been formally greenlit by any studio yet, ergo we’re never going to see it and the world will surely be engulfed by a cleansing fire should a hairy-footed teaser trailer ever make it to Youtube.

  • Bunny and the Bull

    As self-confessed avoiders of The Mighty Boosh, we weren’t sure how much we were going to enjoy the big-screen debut of the series’ director, Paul King. Luckily, this zany, surreal comedy proved to be touching and entertaining for even the simplest of minds. Despite the slightly jarring tragic moments at the end of the film and the few plot lulls in the middle, Bunny and the Bull is a lovely way to spend a rainy afternoon.

  • Nativity!

    If you take a Christmas tree out of context, the thing itself is pretty ridiculous. Tinsel is gaudy and hideous, there’s always those four or five (or sixty) lights that don’t work..

  • Paranormal Activity

    You know us, at BestForfilm, right? Well, we’re hard, we are. Proper nails, us lot. Steely determination, nerves like copper wire, and a mind like a steel trap. Takes a lot for us to sit up and take note of a horror film, let alone have us squealing like jessies and jumping out of our seats. Will Paranormal Activity, the much hyped-shocker in the “found footage” genre, really be something new, or is it all bumf in the night?

  • Paramount Snaps Up Paranormal Director

    Just in time for the weeked, Paranormal Activity was released in th UK last week. Whether it’ll replicate its startling performance at the US box office is a matter for audiences (and if they’re brave enough to go and watch it) – but one thing’s for certain: we’ll certainly be seeing more of its now hot-property director Oren Peli.

  • Early Avatar Review… Uncompromising

    Heck, we’re as guilty as anyone out there banging on about Avatar for the last goodness-knows-how-long, what with the fancy new effects, stereoscopic whatsit and mind-blowing interactive trailer. When a film’s hyped as much as Avatar has been, it gets pretty tricky (after a while) to distance yourself from all the marketing hoo-har.

  • Nicolas Cage Enjoys Bath

    Like some sort of festive Dickensian fable, the good, humble people of Bath were yesterday treated to the kind of visit you don’t even get once a year. Thousands – yes, thousands – of people flocked to the historic city’s centre last night to witness a true Christmas Miracle: Nicolas Cage turning on the local Christmas lights.

  • New Toy Story 3 Trailer!

    We’ve just got wind of this: The new international Toy Story 3 trailer. Despite the fact that the first half of it is taken up with some sort of half-baked memory-jogging clip show (who needs reminding of Woody and Buzz? Seriously!) the rest of it gives us a pretty good idea as to what we’re looking forward to in the much-anticipated third installment.