Articles Posted in the " Ewan McGregor " Category

  • Cheat Sheet: Ewan McGregor

    Ewan McGregor is making girls cry all over the UK again in Perfect Sense, a love story set in a world of despair and doom. To celebrate our favourite Scottish hotty’s return to independent drama, we’ve decided to have a look back over his film career. Mmm. Especially The Pillow Book; there’s nothing like a bit of full frontal nudity to get us in the mood for fab film facts courtesy of the Cheat Sheet!

  • The Top 10 WTF Moments Of George Lucas’ Career

    Ever since Star Wars fans staged a boycott against George Lucas’ latest milk-the-hell-outta-previous-success scheme (namely, his heavily adapted Blu Ray editions), we’ve been at breaking point with the bearded man. So, like your very own Ghost Of Film-Mistakes Past, I’ll be taking him backwards through time in the hopes that looking at his mistakes anew will make him a better person. Here are the Top 10 WTF Moments of George Lucas’ Career

  • Beginners

    Prepare yourselves for a quaint little tale about love, life, death and the cutest Jack Russell in the world (second to maybe Eddie in Frasier) in Beginners; a rather lovely comedy-drama written and directed by Mike Mills.

  • Perfect Sense

    Having won Best UK Feature at Edinburgh International Film Festival, David MacKenzie’s Perfect Sense is an exciting mix of romantic drama and sci-fi thriller that excels in originality. Providing a fresh look on apocalyptic catastrophe, it explores an unfolding romance it the most unlikely of circumstances.

  • Top 10 Movie Druggies

    Who are the most baked, caned, hopped-up or tripped-out characters in movie history? Here, in the sort of order which can only really be dreamt up through a haze of quaaludes, mescaline and Night Nurse, are our top ten.