DC obviously think that Ryan Reynolds’ muscles are enough on their own to deliver a bruising punch to Marvel; but the rest of Green Lantern isn’t as finely toned. It’s everything you expect from a superhero movie, but absolutely nothing more. And it nicked its colour scheme from The Mask!
As the impending atrocity that is Green Lantern looms ever closer (we’re resigned to it, we just are), we’ve decided it’s time we take a look behind the super powers.We’ve realised that it’s not the tight fitting cat suits, underwear on the outside or “inherent desire to do good” that makes a real superhero, it’s all about the blingin’ accessories! As it happens, we managed to come across a catalogue straight from the superheroes supplier detailing the ten most popular superhero accessories.
Hollywood A list couple = Box Office Gold. Fact.
There’s no such thing as a predictable superhero casting – all the best Avengers, X-Men and otherwise pumped-up persons are unlikely characters who stumble into their crime-fighting alter egos just as unexpectedly as do the actors cast to play them. With so many A-list actors now boasting a brush with superheroism on their CVs, we’ve come up with a few new suggestions…
We still think Kilowog is an unacceptably racist name for a massive alien.
Holy pineapple chunks, Batman – it’s a brand new feature! Today and on every weekend until the Earth is consumed by fire and ice, we will be bringing you the pick of the week’s film gossip in a format so accessible, democratic and toothsome you might well mistake it for Peaches Geldof’s ladygarden. It’s time to round up the news…
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