Articles Posted in the " Jack Nicholson " Category

  • Top 10 Presidents in Film

    You know who’s great? President Barack Obama. Not only is he unsettlingly charismatic he has also just declared (finally) that he is in favour of same sex marriage, effectively kicking all his Republican opponents in their rigidly conservative/homophobic nuts. TAKE THAT TO YO’ TEA PARTY, NEWT. In honour of this momentous occasion (and also to herald the almost release of this gem), BFF brings you the Top Ten list of movie presidents (both fictional and non-fictional for double the pleasure!).

  • Friday Drinking Game #39 – Motorcycle Movies

    With Nicholas Cage galloping back onto the screen for the long awaited (ahem) sequel to Ghost Rider this week, what better way to celebrate than with a high speed, booze fuelled marathon of motorbike classics? So, grab your buddies, a dangerous amount of alcohol and a fistful of biker flicks and get ready to lose the next six hours of your life riding the highway to a serious blackout.

  • Top 10 Missed Opportunities For Killing Adam Sandler

    Adam Sandler has irritated the hard-working folks at BFF Towers just one too many times. He’d been treading a dogged path with us, pumping out horrible slapstick comedies, but then he did Funny People. And we thought “hey… maybe we’ve been wrong about Adam? Maybe he’s not so… OH MY GOD IT’S JACK AND JILL!!! The horror! THE HORROR!” So then we decided to invent fun and new ways to murder him. Roll on the top 10 missed opportunities for killing Adam Sandler…

  • Five Movies We’d Like to See Re-Made

    We love films. Well, we love most of them. Some of them are only OK, and some of them we’d like to get our greasy paws on and re-cast and re-direct all together. Here are five of them, because ten would have gotten me over-excited and I’d never be able to settle for my nap otherwise.

  • Top 10 Chat-Up Lines We Learned From The Films

    Heading out on the town tonight and looking to make some new, ahem, “acquaintances”? Not quite as adept with the lingo of love as you’d like to be? Been shot down more times than Boromir in The Lord Of The Rings? Now is not the time to panic, as we’ve done all the hard work for you. After scouring the film database, we’ve pulled out the top 10 chat-up lines that can be applied to any romantic situation, ever ever. So read them. Learn them. Dazzle the opposite sex with them and, when you get laid, send us a box of chocolates. We like chocolates…