I met a traveller from an antique land, who said “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert.”
Larry Charles’s outrageously offensive, all-guns-blazing comedy isn’t so much a sharp satire as an exercise in eccentric crassness. Lacking the edge of Borat and Brüno, The Dictator is nonetheless a disconcertingly amusing, predictably gross-out affair, packed full of memorable moments and reliant almost solely upon a central performance from everyone’s favourite master of grotesquerie, Sacha Baron Cohen.
Remember last week? Remember last week when tomorrow was sort of SUNDAY AGAIN because of the magic of last week? Yeah, well that’s not how this tomorrow’s going to work, big boy. Monday is on its way like some mad, Taylor Lautner based dribbling hell hound, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Except promise you that there are, at least, NEW FILMS afoot! Trailers ho!
Yes, probably. Except they’ll both be pretending to be different people. Acting, innit?
Hands up if you think this whole thing has been orchestrated?
Chronically humourless Oscars bosses worried about Cohen’s planned red carpet stunt.
Wondering what to fill your days with in 2012? We recommend some light viewing, considering the world will probably be over then. Here are our best and worst for next year. Prepare to be angry, then a little happy, then quite confused, and then happy again.
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