Articles Posted in the " The Hobbit " Category

  • Short actors wanted for Hobbit film

    In many occupations there are unwritten requirements. I mean, you can’t work in a bakery if you don’t like baked goods, but I’m sure the job advertisement doesn’t state “must love bread”. However, were you making a film where the main characters are hobbits (short and slightly podgy creatures with hair from ankle to foot), and you want to half the scaling down effort, then why not advertise for what you require? Heightest? Hey, this is Hollywood.

  • Grosvenor Lock-In Night: The Lord of the Rings

    Following a customer focused Facebook campaign, September 18th saw Glasgow’s Grosvenor Cinema stage the first of their new “Lock-In” nights. Slumber parties with a cinema atmosphere, these events will allow people to see their favourite trilogies in on the big screen, watched all in one go and in the company of like minded fans. With the votes counted and verified, the winner that would claim the honour of launching night one was clear – and what a winner it was! This was going to be one night to rule them all…

  • Peter Jackson talks The Hobbit… again.

    When will we be put out of our misery? After months of rumours, scuffles, drop-outs and new additions we’re still no closer to knowing when The Hobbit will start shooting. If ever. The last we heard was that once Peter Jackson reluctantly agreed to helm the project, MGM’s money troubles set them back even more. So what’s the latest?