Dark Skies tells the story of a run-of-the-mill suburban American family with run-of-the-mill suburban American family problems – like having to share their home with a bunch of aliens. And, as if things weren’t bad enough, these are some of the MOST RUBBISH, CLICHED ALIENS EVER. Don’t believe us? Give it a watch and compare them to the Best For Film’s Top Ten Best Aliens and see for yourself.
It’s TGIF, people! And as such, we at BFF have devised another cunning way for you to get off-your-rocker-hammered with a Friday Drinking Game that is devoted whole heartedly to our alien neighbors. Not the mind-your-business-and-we’ll-mind-ours variety but the kind that has a bit of a hard-on for invasion. Seems fitting really, seeing as both The Host and Dark Skies are now on show at a cinema near you.
Another week, another favourite film, another bloodthirsty alien rampaging through an Antarctic research site. Wait, what? Alex Mullane is armed with a flamethrower, a bit of wire and a bloody great beard, and he’s here to defend the both impeccable taste of the BFF crew and his favourite film – John Carpenter’s The Thing. Obviously, spoilers will abound.
Young and talented eh? Damn them.
A prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of 1951’s The Thing from Another World, The Thing should by all reasoning have been even more offensive than the thing you last picked from the sole of your shoe. In actual fact, Matthijs van Heijningen Jr’s film is an uninspired but grotesquely effective prelude to a genre classic. Or something.
The Thing is out today! Hurrah (maybe). What better way to honour its arrival than to crack open a few cold ones and settle down amidst your furs with a snowy horror film? Whether it’s 30 Days of Night, Let the Right One In or Dead Snow, BFF have you covered. Be prepared for CHILLS.
Ewww…. Ahhhh…. Eeeesh… That doesn’t go there! Let’s be honest: you don’t want to read this article and we’re really sorry we wrote it. Mildly NSFW, and seriously NSFSanity.
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