“Superman isn’t Batman” and more stunning revelations from The Dark Knight Rises director.
Superman’s two weaknesses: kryptonite and marital aids
Star Wars VII has been in the public consciousness for barely over a week, but the relentless rumour mill has been out of control. Everyday yet another potential director is added to the Star Wars VII list, and yet another takes themselves off with a sarcastic quip about how Disney’s Star Wars will star Minnie Mouse with a lightsaber. Here is a recap of all the guys still in the running, and those who have jumped out the Millennium Falcon.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Incredibly Morose and Disenfranchised Man!
Quick, before Warner Bros. spoils everything and takes it down! EDIT: They’ve spoiled it.
Kevin Costner’s voice is almost as hypnotic as Morgan Freeman’s. Well played, sir.
TO INFINITY…AND oh wait, that’s a better superhero character. Never mind.
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