Articles Posted by the Author

  • Flight

    After United 93, Snakes on a Plane, Red Eye and Final Destination, I thought I’d survived the worst airplane disaster movies (despite my fear of flying). That was until Flight came along, loosely based on Alaska Airlines Flight 261, which crashed in the year 2000 killing 89 people, and inspired a whole new level of plane-related fear. Plunging the viewer into the ground at a few hundred miles per hour should be enough to raise the heart rate, but it is Denzel Washington’s story of alcohol addiction that is the most powerful.

  • 5 Broken Cameras

    Never mind Zero Dark Thirty, 5 Broken Cameras is the closest we’ve ever been to conflict, and it’s a staggeringly powerful piece of filmmaking. Despite being one-sided, there’s little to dispute in a film depicting such extreme injustice for Palestinian people. This is a great cinematic achievement, and its Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Feature shows it have been given international acclaim. Here’s to history in the making.