Articles Posted by the Author

  • Top 10 Worst Movie Posters Ever

    Considering the amount of time, effort and money the big bad beasties of Hollywood have to put together a stunning window into the house of their creation, there’s no excuse for a bad poster. And as our nursery school teacher always told us, abject humiliation is the only way people learn. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is our pick of the top ten worst movie posters of all time.

  • Tron: Legacy

    Tron Legacy, I feel for you. Why everyone is so surprised that you’ve turned out to be massively silly is beyond me. Tron was massively silly, and as we all know by now, the 00’s light-tastic apple never really falls far from the 80s synth tree. Hopelessly beautiful to look at, 3D-licious and utterly bonkers, there’s a lot to enjoy in this sexed-up sequel. Just as soon as you stop worrying about what on earth is going on.