Articles Posted by the Author

  • I’m Still Here

    “Acting is not creativity, it’s doing what somebody else tells you to do,” Joaquin Phoenix declares in I’m Still Here, a film that charts his decision to stop being a thespian, grow a massive beard and rediscover himself as a rap artist. Is he crazy? Contradicting his own soundbyte with the most intriguing performance of his career, the answer is a resounding no. The story Phoenix and brother-in-law Casey Affleck have crafted is not insane, but assured – a fascinating study of self-identity.

  • Grosvenor Lock-In Night: The Lord of the Rings

    Following a customer focused Facebook campaign, September 18th saw Glasgow’s Grosvenor Cinema stage the first of their new “Lock-In” nights. Slumber parties with a cinema atmosphere, these events will allow people to see their favourite trilogies in on the big screen, watched all in one go and in the company of like minded fans. With the votes counted and verified, the winner that would claim the honour of launching night one was clear – and what a winner it was! This was going to be one night to rule them all…

  • Super 8 casts a Super 9?

    For some time now the JJ Abrams/Steven Spielberg super project, Super 8, has been an unidentified object hovering at the edge of film journalism. It’s drawn plenty of attention – most of it focusing on what on Earth (or perhaps not on Earth?) the film is all about. With this latest piece of casting news, could the mystery finally be unravelling? No, probably not.

  • Mark Millar: Miracle Worker.

    Kick-Ass writer Mark Millar’s directorial debut Miracle Park is moving ahead, bringing the writer’s dark take on superheroes to his homeland of Scotland! It’s Trainspotting meets X-men! Though hopefully with fewer toilets…

  • Metropolis (Restored)

    For decades, Fritz Lang’s expressionist sci-fi Metropolis has been considered an indisputable classic. This fact has not changed. The film, however, has. With its running time having been cut by a quarter shortly after its German premiere in 1927, the full version of Lang’s epic was long presumed lost, until it miraculously turned up in Argentina two years ago. Having been recut and restored, the version we see now is the closest audiences have been to Lang’s vision in over 80 years – and it’s just as astonishing as you might expect.