Search results for "matt damon"

  • Bourne 4…A Prequel?

    Oh dear, they’re all at it. First Sony shocks the world by rebooting Spiderman less than 10 years after the original film came out, and now rumour has it that the Bourne series might be going down the prequel route too.

  • Cinema Preview: 29th January – 5th February

    Looking for a box office blast, or avoiding a bomb? We look forward to all the upcoming releases including Edge of Darkness, Invictus, Precious, Disney’s The Princess and the Frog, Adoration, Youth in Revolt and what looks like the utterly terrible Astro Boy. You can’t go wrong with our patented anticipation-o-meter!

  • Golden Globe nominees announced

    The nominations for 2010’s Golden Globes award ceremony are in – and there are certainly some surprises.
    Everyone’s favourite poor man’s Oscars will take place on January 17 next year, and to give us all adequate jeering and scoffing time, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association today announced their illustrious potential award recipients.

  • Top Ten Oscar Moments

    With the Oscars almost upon us once again, we at Best For Film thought that we might profit from a review of some of the highlights said gushing award ceremony has provided us with over the years. For the sake of variety, this laudable list shall include both the famous and the infamous, the highs and the lows, the sugar and the bitters. Such a cocktail should be swirled in the mouth like the metaphorical marbles of Sir Laurence Olivier’s plumy tones, or alternatively expelled in disgust like a Michael Moore acceptance speech. The choice, our BFF Academy, is yours.

  • 10 new US shows you will watch (and how they’ll get you)

    How exactly does one come up with a killer idea for a TV pilot? Not only have all the good ideas been taken, they’ve been rehashed, span-off, re-made, re-imagined, re-worked flogged, revived and flogged again. And mostly, they’ve got Hugh Laurie in. Having examined the recent US small-screen output, we’re pretty confident we can see patterns emerging… The question is, which ones should you bother with?