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  • Race 2

    The sequel to the 2008 hit Race, Race 2 encompasses enough action, gorgeous humans (hiiiii John Abraham) and complicated plots to work as a stand-alone action thriller. There’s no denying that Bollywood films ever EVER lack vivid colours, great cinematography and music that’ll make your head burst (with what, I’m unsure). But it’s thin dialogue, awfully superficial characters and chimerical plot let the film down abysmally. Race 2 really attempts to be a great success, and manages it sometimes, but its triple-twists and quadruple-bluffs turn into one (addictively) outrageous farce.

  • Movie 43

    Movie 43 may already be the most derided film of all time, and it’s only been in the cinema for less than a week. It’s an ‘anthology film’ of thirteen or more (depending on how you count) short, non-related comedy sketches directed by various different people. We decided to check it out and reflect on what, if anything, it could all mean.