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  • Les Misérables

    Best For Film has finally Dreamed a Dream of Tom Hooper’s Oscar-baiting epic Les Misérables – and we loved it so much that we’ve decided to never ever see it again. Ever. From the tears and the music to the inexplicable facial hair and surplus of hats, this sprawling superfilm is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  • Friday Drinking Game #71 – Les Misérables

    Over 60 million people have watched the stage show of Les Mis, so with its release on the silver screen and 8 Oscar nominations, a lot of people are going to be wanting to celebrate. We’ve helped you out by compiling a drinking game fit to leave you feeling slaughtered at the barricades. Proceed with caution, and drink until you’re so pissed that when Jean Valjean says “Who am I?” you snort, throw up on yourself and hit him.

  • Texas Chainsaw 3D

    This film is a massacre of horror films; a ridiculous, unwatchable mess of storylines crossing storylines and half-naked teenagers falling over branches at every turn. Did we ask for another remake, reboot or continuation of the Texas Chainsaw franchise? I don’t think so. Even worse, were we really that desperate to have it shown to us in 3D? Has anyone ever said, ‘God, I REALLY hope they reboot Texas Chainsaw Massacre soon, it’s just been too long!’? Still, here it is. So you’ll just have to make do with the fact that it’s really, really bad.