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  • Love Crime

    Originally released in France in 2010, Alain Corneau’s psychological thriller aims to be a nasty little chamber piece centered around the sadistic office politics employed by a high-flying business executive. Regularly punishing her administrative assistant in public and private, the relationship between the two comes to a head as Love Crime takes a sharp detour midway through the film and struggles to find its feet.

  • 12 Days of Christmas #3 – BFF’s Top 3 French Hens

    On the third day of Christmas, attention is turned from the most overrated of seasonal poultry to the most unheralded; the noble hen. In the spirit of international racial equality, we open up this celebration of the pluckiest of birds to all, non-restricted by national identity. We know what you’re thinking: how could you, mere mortals that you are, Best For Film, condense the entire cinematic oeuvre of our feathered friends into only a triad? And the truth is, we couldn’t. But don’t get yourselves into a flap, the Three French Hens that we have chosen are, most definitely, something to crow about.

  • Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks #10 – The Muppet Christmas Carol

    Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks returns with a festive offering from our newest recruit. Will Imogen’s paean in defence of The Muppet Christmas Carol thaw your heart, drape your soul with tinsel and generally baste all your tingly private areas in cranberry sauce, or are you determined to stay as dour as Scrooge and insist that, even at Christmas, is the best comedy ever? Bah! Humbug!

  • 12 Days of Christmas #2 – BFF’s Top 2 Turtle Doves

    It’s Day Two of our Christmas countdown, and after the improbable success of yesterday’s paean to Ross Partridge we’re combing the length and breadth of Hollywood to find our top two turtle doves. That probably sounds quite easy, particularly if you have a proper job, but actually we don’t know what the fuck a turtle dove is. Is it a bird? Is it a reptile? Is it some sort of brilliant cross-over, living in a sewer? Actually, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Doves would be completely brilliant – if you want us we’ll be working on a pitch.