The story of a pathological liar who discovers that he has a half-sister and a nephew, People Like Us shows off the gargantuan acting abilities of the entire cast. Charming, genuine and flawed, the sweet and the funny is offset with some odd choices at the start and a pedestrian ending. However sceptical, this heart-warmer will win you over.
Big beefy Bane actor to play sneaking slithery spy Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell. Too much alliteration, you think?
We’ll be the judges of a film’s greatness and power thank you very much.
Alfred Hitchcock – master of suspense, king of cinema… and one massive jowly chap. Stepping into the shoes of such an awesome icon must be a daunting prospect but sometimes..
KHAAAAAAAN you get me some popcorn? Oh, and a slushie.
The rain notwithstanding, things are a bit dry at your local gigaplex this week. Fortunately, our squad of stalwart cinewarriors is on hand once more to shepherd you past the leering embrace of Adam Sandler’s henchmen and into safer, Affleckier waters. Just remember – if Kevin James had made Daredevil it probably would have been the highlight of his career.
Alcohol is everywhere. Adverts on TV and billboards tell us all to get out there, drink up, do some shots and be more fun than you really are. As long..
Star Wars VII has been in the public consciousness for barely over a week, but the relentless rumour mill has been out of control. Everyday yet another potential director is added to the Star Wars VII list, and yet another takes themselves off with a sarcastic quip about how Disney’s Star Wars will star Minnie Mouse with a lightsaber. Here is a recap of all the guys still in the running, and those who have jumped out the Millennium Falcon.
Film radically altered to accommodate scene in army base.
Hopefully the gamey meat of a boiled bunny will add to her paltry and flavorless career. ZING!
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