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  • Hotel Transylvania

    In a month that’s already overcrowded with supernatural themed animations, Hotel Transylvania is the runt of the litter. Frantic, over-manic direction, a severe dearth of laughs and a predictable plot are bad enough, but when you factor in Adam Sandler trampling all over proceedings and doing another Stupid Fucking Voice, then you’ve really got problems.

  • Best For Film’s Favourite Flicks #6 – Dogma

    I have a very strong attachment to all of my favourite films so this was pretty hard for me. Once I’d had a think though, I realised that when you really get down to the bare bones of it, a favourite film is a film you can watch over and over again without it compromising the pleasure you get from it. Whilst there are probably thousands of films which give me this experience, Dogma reserves a special rung on the ladder.

  • Ruby Sparks

    A romantic comedy directed by husband and wife Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (Little Miss Sunshine) and written by female lead Zoe Kazan, whose real life partner Paul Dano also stars, it is not unexpected that Ruby Sparks should have a lot to say about relationships. Where it does surprise, however, is in its refreshingly layered approach to the genre. Observing reality through the premise of a fairytale, it is at once a critique of fantasy and a lesson in how to make it real.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #89

    After an all-too-long absence, the weary defenders are once more hauling themselves to the turrets and parapets of Best For Film Towers to boom their cinematic advice across the snowy wastes of Internet. What will you be seeing this week – the whimsical horror-themed animation, or the other whimsical horror-themed animation? Or ParaNorman?