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  • TGIM! Safar Arab Cinema Festival

    It’s Monday and it’s raining. It’s a fair bet you’re not going to be popping over to Kew Gardens anytime soon so why not take this opportunity to educate yourself on the undiscovered terrains of Arabic cinema? There will be discussions and screenings galore and a daring selection of Arabic film to cut your cinematic tooth on. Thank God it’s Monday!

  • The Campaign

    With Romney taking on America’s no-good, tax-dodgin’, health-care expectin’ 47%, Mrs Michelle doing the majority of the sweet talking and everyone trying to figure out just what a ‘legitimate rape’ actually is, there’s never been a more perfect time for a slicing satire of the USA’s governmental boxing ring. The Campaign isn’t it, sadly. But who needs game-changing home truths when the dog from The Artist is being punched in the face?

  • Friday Drinking Game #58 – Self Love

    After a long and challenging week it’s finally Friday. The weekend is nigh and it’s the perfect time to indulge in a good old drinking game. But this is not just any old drinking game. No. For this drinking game you’ll need to be as unflappable and calm as James Bond, because if not there’s a chance this could get a little out of hand.