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  • Top 10 naked royals in film

    Prince Harry has been papped cupping his Crown Jewels in Las Vegas. Kate Middleton has been photographed showing off her Queenly wares in France. Prince William has… well, he hasn’t really done anything interesting. Apart from lose his hair. In short, the Royals have wandered over to the dark side and, to celebrate their rebellion, we’ve decided to take a (potentially NSFW) look back over some of the baddest, most naked, most scandalous royals ever to grace the silver screen.

  • Laurence Anyways

    Much, much better than the tiresomely earnest endeavor you might expect given the nature of the independent production, art-house values and risque subject material, Lawrence Anyways is an engaging and powerful look at identity and acceptance, sexuality and love, all told with incredible performances and some interesting – but not alienating – direction.